How My Email Strategy Generated $73,747 in 30 Days

In March last year, my father-in-law and I were headed to the mountain to climb when I told him “I’m going to build an email marketing company”

Him, not understanding anything about business, or email, or marketing graciously listened to my ramblings.

I have known for two years that I wanted to be in the business of email.

It’s one of the few businesses that is:

  1. Mature: The tool-set and software are standardized.
  2. Huge: 93% of Americans have an email account.
  3. Incredible ROI: As a service, you can charge enough to make tons of money while far exceeding that cost with revenue for clients. (Industry average is 36:1)
  4. Low Regulation: There is very little regulation around email marketing.

If I knew what I know now three years ago, 1023 Diesel would have been 5x what It was… I’m bummed I didn’t learn it sooner but that's life.

Here’s what I’ve been doing

Testing an eCommerce model

I had been studying email and testing models in several industries.

Anyone crazy enough to let me have control of their email accounts I took it and ran.

I pieced together what I’m calling “Email OS” and really wanted to test it on an eCommerce store.

So, I reached out to an old competitor and made an offer so good, they couldn't say no.

The offer: I would build an entire email strategy for Black Friday/Cyber Monday (two weeks away) in exchange for a testimonial. No cost to them.

I would setup and run the platform, manage contacts, build campaigns and automations etc. I took care of all the details, the technical stuff, planning, and designing all of it.

They agreed, and we ran it for one moth.

My strategy drove $73,747 in sales… in 30 days. 😳

They had never used email for marketing before.

In 30 days email drove 22% to their top-line revenue.

Needless to say.. I got a good testimonial.

I also built two (of the seven) automations I recommend that have been running since November.

Those automations have driven an average of $35,720 per month almost exactly matching business growth of $38,387/month in the same period.

So that's pretty cool.

When I ran an eCommerce store I didn’t understand how to make email an effective part of revenue, now I do and I have proof that it works.

The strategy is solid. The technique is solid. But the designs needed help.

December 2024 - Today

I have continued studying the technical side of email but directed my focus toward design. Essentially, making the actual content as good as the strategy.

I know it probably seems backward and you are thinking wait.. Dusty...

"Who the heck builds strategy before product?"

Here's why I did it this way:

  • Talent can be bought pretty cheap, and it's easy to find.
  • Strategy can also be bought but its stupid expensive, and I’m not stupid rich.

Put more simply...

  • Bad product + good strategy = Quick launch, slow growth followed by very little money.
  • Good product + bad strategy = Quick launch, fast growth followed by ultimate failure.
  • Good product + good strategy = Quick launch, fast growth followed by tons of money. (this makes my heart skip a beat)

PPS - I can onboard one company a month. If you are in eCommerce and doing $100-500K revenue, reply here or send me a DM. I'd love to see if I can help you scale.
