The 5 Reasons People Don't Do What You Want Them Too

The 5 Reasons People Don't Do What You Want Them Too

The Problem Framework

I love this framework.

I learned this one from Alex Hormozi in the context of leading and managing people, and I have made it in integral part of how I deal with people.

Im going to share it the same way I heard it, because its the way that made a lasting impact on me so I hope it does the same for you.

All thanks and credit to Mr. Hormozi for his one.

The 5 Reasons People Don't do What You Want Them Too

1. They don't KNOW you want them to do it

The fix: You need to communicate clearly what you want done.

If you don't clearly tell people what you want from them, there is an extremely low chance they will do it. It would have to be an accident, or coincidence.

Now, if they know you want them to do it, and they still don't do it, then the second reason is:

2. They don't know HOW to do it

The fix: You need to train them

One-on-One, SOPs, Videos, send them to classes...

You will know this better than anyone. But if someone doesn't know how to do the job you are asking them to do, they will never do it to your standard.

Now, if they know you wanted them to do it, and they know how to do it, the third reason is:

3. They don’t know WHEN you wanted them to do it

The fix: You needed to add a deadline and communicate a timeline.

It doesn't matter if someone has the knowledge and skill to do a job, or even that they know is something that needs done. If they don't know when it needs to be done, they cannot do it a the right time.

Now, if they know you wanted them to do it, and they know how to do it, and they know when it needs to be done, the forth reason is:

4. They don’t WANT to do it

The fix: You need to find what will motivate them.

Now, if they:

know you want them to do it
and they know how to do it
and they know when it needs to be done
and they want to do it...
... the fifth reason they wont do it is:

5. They CANT do it / Something is Blocking them

The fix: Find out what is preventing them from doing it.

Imagine asking the right person to cut your hair. You find the best stylist, you pick the style, you set the time, you show up and say hey i'm ready to do this. But you don't have clippers, or scissors, or even a knife.

None of the skill, desire, or planning matter if something is preventing you from doing the job.

The obvious benefit to understand this is that you can identify and solve problems so you can actually reach your goals. Great!

But the other benefit to understanding this is when you are dealing with people, you have a clear way of attacking the problem and not the person.

Its really hard to motivate someone by telling them they suck, or they aren't doing it right. Or telling them they aren't good enough.

But using this framework, you can solve whatever the problem is without attacking the human.